199,374 miles
2005 Sterling Acterra Fuel / Lube Truck; 7.2L Mercedes-Benz Diesel Engine; Automatic Transmission; 199k Miles; 14,610 Engine Hours; 1,000 Gallon Fuel Tank; Spring Suspension; PTO; Double Frame; 20' Body; 8 Oil Tanks; 10 Hose Reels; Metered Nozzles; Grease Barrel; Miller Enpak A60 Series MF091113R 6kVA Diesel Generator; Miller Diesel Air Compressor (175psi, 60cfm max); Hydraulic Pump (3500psi, 20gpm max) Air Hose Reel; $29,900
This vehicle may have an open safety recall. Head to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website to perform a quick search.
Some vehicles may be subject to manufacturer safety recalls. See if there are any open safety recalls for this vehicle. This does not include non-safety recalls. Recently announced safety recalls may not yet be posted and there may be a delay between the time a repair is made and before it is reported or posted to the website. Before purchasing, be sure to ask the dealer for an up-to-date status on any recalls.