46,308 miles
Backed by Federal Vehicle Title Data
615..256..2277 CALL OR TEXT US ANYTIME Ben West 615..473..6979 Randy Russell 615..390..3135 We know that you have many choices when looking for a vehicle and want to personally thank you for taking the time to shop with us.
One Owner Boxster
Only 48K Miles!
5-Speed Tiptronic Transmission
Traction Control
Leather Seats
Both Keys
Just Serviced
Carfax Certified Please call 615-256-CARS (2277) from 9-6 Monday through Saturday. After hours, feel free to call or text one of the contacts below with any questions or to schedule an appointment ...
Ben West 615..473..6979
Randy Russell 615..390..3135 At Dixie Motors, you will find a great, no pressure experience without the stresses and haggling of the typical auto dealership.
We search the entire nation to bring our customers the highest quality pre-owned vehicles in the Middle Tennessee area. This vehicle
This vehicle may have an open safety recall. Head to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website to perform a quick search.
Some vehicles may be subject to manufacturer safety recalls. See if there are any open safety recalls for this vehicle. This does not include non-safety recalls. Recently announced safety recalls may not yet be posted and there may be a delay between the time a repair is made and before it is reported or posted to the website. Before purchasing, be sure to ask the dealer for an up-to-date status on any recalls.
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